Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On the Wagon

I have taken a way longer break from blog life than intended.  I was really sick from a wound infection in my surgical incision.  I never want to experience that ever again. I think the doctor may have pulled dirty sutures though the wound when he took the steri-strips off.  At any rate, OWIE!!  It was almost like living in an outer body experience aside from the torturous pain.  If I had to guess I would say it was a strep infection.  It felt like strep throat but on the outside of my neck.  WAH!

I have a bunch of things to post and I may get to then all in the next couple of days. I hope to. I have been a very bad girl and have not read my book for the book club I am in and it meets tomorrow.  Oops.  I suspect it will take me every free moment the next two days to finish it.

My son is also sick and pitiful.  He is two and the only way I can help him with the congestion is to have him stand in the shower. That is about as fun as bathing a cat.  He is just breaking my heart, he is so pitiful.

Anyhow, I plan to update on the Mother's Day gifts.  They turned out awesome.  I will give instructions on how to sew a very easy and cute dress for a little girl.  I also managed to keep a plant alive that I got from my friend Chanon.  My house is closing on Monday.  Things are looking up.

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