Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ten Things- Uses For The Cotton From Medicine Bottles

So as some of you know I work in a call center answering medical questions.  I got a call where the guy asked me why (Brand X) does not put the cotton in the bottles anymore.  My standard answer to these types of questions is "I have not been able to locate any information regarding this. I am sorry."  He told me he had just woken up with this vexing question and thought he better call and ask.  He called from PT at 0700 MST, on Saturday.  I find this rather disturbing.  When we were about to disconnect he says "Well, I guess I need to go call Advil now."  This I find even more disturbing.  This happened about a month ago and every Saturday when I am answering the constipation hotline, I think of possible alternate uses for the cotton.  This is, perhaps, the most disturbing part of all.

1.) Save for use when one has a bloody nose.  Use as a stopper.

2.) Use it to take of fingernail polish remover and save money on cotton balls.

3.) Save it and send it to me to use as stuffed animal stuffing.  (My grandma told me I should save dryer lint for this purpose.  HA!)

4.) Stuff your bra with it if you wear one.  If you do not, donate it to your nearest size A- chest.

5.) Put it in the end of the shoes of your kid so you can buy the 2 sizes too big shoes on clearance and get maximum use out of them.

6.) Soak it in wax and use it as ear plugs to drown out the sawing ZZZZ's of your loved ones. (This is dedicated to my husband.)

7.) Save it and use it as packing materials at Christmas time.

8.) Use it as kindling for when you light your next camp fire.

9.) Spin in on a spinning wheel into string and knit a coaster with it.

10.)  Save it for when your kids have kids and tell them way back when I was a kid they used to stuff jars of pills with big wads of cotton and I could never find out why because the call agents were so obtuse.  (I got called obtuse because of my answers.  Everything we give out is scripted.  This was by email too.  How warm and fuzzy and detailed do you expect an email from a drug company to be? SHEESH!)

Now if this man googles "Uses for cotton from medicine bottles" he may have some not quite true uses for it.  The real use of it is to keep the pills from breaking and/or to absorb moisture away from the pills.  I am not allowed to give out information that is not provided to me.  I hope this is a learning experience and I strive to be less obtuse in the future.

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