Monday, March 14, 2011


So today was a day doing one of my special part time jobs, Cat herding.  Not real cat herding but the proverbial.  On an adventure downtown where traffic is all around.  One kid goes left and the other right. Ten minutes to get there and one goes down.  Not falling but just for the pure joy of digging in and testing every fiber of patience I have been blessed with.  I do have patience, I DO.  In a combo of J.J. and I dragging, pushing and pulling we made it in the nick of time.  Yes, my patience is wearing thin.

Later, Sophie took her brothers hand in Hobby Lobby and started spinning him.  Really?  What the hay?  "I am  trying to help him fly, mommy." Um. . . he is not Peter Pan, Sophapilla.  You do not posses the Tink Power. Leave him alone.  Not 5 minutes later we leave and Flynn did a Sound-of-Music-Spinning-on-a-Mountain-Top move in the middle of the street.  Your focus needs focus boy and your momma needs a Cosmo.  The next hour or so was filled with falling down, fake sleeping, whining when being steered in the right direction and digging heels in.  Now my question is: Is it wrong that I let my son jump on J.J's trampoline for three hours?  I need to get some rest sometime, right?  They should be passing out any second now.  Trampolines, the new Benadryl.

OMG!  Seriously? (real time)  MY son just took a torrential downpour piss on my carpet. I am done. Good night. 

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