Friday, June 24, 2011

The Long Way

That is what I did today. I took the long way.  The way where you drive out of your way to see something extra, to be different.  The way when you stop to find a little magic.  I learned a lot about my niece and nephew by taking the long way.   We didn't go to extremes but we had fun.

I picked them up today to take them up to my dad's.  I wanted to go see my babies before I left for Vegas and they wanted to go up and stay with grandpa.

We drove past Tiny Town and talked about little houses.  We stopped to look for a beaver house.  Rowyn told me she wanted to be a beaver some day and I thought to myself some day you will punch some one if they call you a beaver.  They wanted to look for the cow farm, so we did.

They both talked to me a lot about who they were going to marry which I found a bit odd for a 4 year old and 7 year old but it was a good time.    Rowyn asked me if I knew who she was going to marry and Aiden told me he had to marry a girl with less age than him.  Typical boy.  LOL.

I came back down to get ready for this trip.  Had a bunch of laundry to do and cleaning.  I blew off the cleaning to go see Bridesmaids.  I was supposed to go with a girl from work but we never did.  I figured why not?  I wanted to see it so I did.

I absolutely love going to movies ALONE.  I think some people think I am odd for doing it but it is me time and really?  Why not?  It is not like you have a lot of interaction with a person when you go to a movie with them unless you are a pubescent horn dog with no regard for the other people in the theater.  Oh, and unless you are a scary, Russian, blind date that tries to maul a woman you just met. (Yeah, that happened to me. Awesome.) I suppose the EVIL movie talkers are an exception too.  If I were the rule maker, this would be a felony.  Shut up already!

Anyway, back on track. . . I just think going the long way can be kind of awesome sometimes.  I get tired of always being in a hurry, always expecting things to be a certain way, and always having people expect me to be a certain way.  So I stopped the rat race for a few minutes and took the long way. It was a good day.  

1 comment:

  1. I took the long way home from TRU today. Sonyea fell asleep and Zia sang "Rain Rain Go Away" a thousand times (I don't think the MT Dew had anything to do with that) We saw the most amazing TRIPLE rainbow because of it. But dang hills and trees, we couldn't get a picture of it.

    AND I love going to the movies alone!! I don't have to share my popcorn with anyone!
