Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ten Things- Is "Whack" Nature or Nurture?

So, I am a bit on the strange and unusual side.  Don't know why.  I used to think it was because I was ignored too much as a child, or that I was dropped on my head a few times.  Maybe my mom drank too much Diet Coke when she was cooking me?  I am completely innocent of all of these things and my kids are LOCO!  Here are some fun surprises I have found in the last couple of days.

1.) Hot pink kissy marks on my wall by my kitchen.  I am really hoping they are from Sophie and not from Flynn.  I know this is genetic because I remember doing this too.  Granted, I was a teenager and warped by the definition of the word.  My mom sold Mary Kay for a while and had a case of all colors of "art supplies."  Even with that kind of invitation my brother and I were pretty good and did not indulge much.  I did, however, try on lipstick and make out with the wall to mark my place.

2.) I found every ball in the house in the dishwasher tossed way in the back.  I hope that was done today. My husband actually did the dishes last night so I am hoping he didn't think we had dirty balls.

3.)  On the second to top bookshelf there was an array of brown, crusty, stales bread droppings.  I know I didn't put them there.  I am perplexed as to how the children reached that level.  D is a bit of a hot mess in the cleaning-after-himself department but I don't think he would even do this.  Do my kids sprout wings and fly when I am out of the room like the toys in Toy Story?

4.)  Every few days or so, I find a single egg cracked in the sink.  I am pretty sure it is Flynn.  Sophie is far to destructive to be so tidy. She cracks her eggs in her play kitchen or in a carpet omelette.

5.) There are little square drawings all over the house.  They look like faces.  I think they are to low for Sophie works but I have never seen Flynn draw like this.

Strange Head One

Strange Head Two
6.) There is a round two of flower petals stuffed in the space heater. This time they are Spring flowers and they have not been torched.

7.)  While I was searching for a card in my purse today I found a Spider Man head top for a toothbrush, broken swim goggles, a piece of a chicken nugget, a rock, the open lipstick from the kissy wall, a baby Tabasco (OK I put that there,) a princess crown and a fruit snack wrapper.  I clean my purse out every Saturday at work.  Aside from the baby Tabasco that I got when we went out for our anniversary, the rest was not there on Saturday.

8.) A frozen concoction with a stick in it in the freezer.  I think it is supposed to be a popsicle.  It doesn't look edible or good.  I shudder to think what it could be.  I used to mix everything in the house and freeze it.  It was my "Clean Everything" potion.

9.) My tub lathered up in Farm Hussy Root-beer Float scrub.  The whole jar. I guess fixtures must be in dire need of exfoliation.  I am as a well since I have the post sunburn peel appeal. I guess I better go find a lava rock.  My kids can't seem to keep their paws off my biz.

10.) A collection of pinecones and withered carrots behind the living room chair.  Oh My!

There is never a dull moment in this house and today I was really wishing there were.  I have a raging headache.  I think it is from the sun but it is probably from stress.  It seems the days I need it the least, I find the most fun.  Truthfully, I am guilty of the same crimes.  I have a long memory and I did some really bad stuff.

For my mom. I confess I put the nickel in the bleach that caused toxic gas to explode the bottle all over the clothes.  Wow! I feel lighter.  

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