Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bubble up, Bubble down.

The kids at church did the entire sermon today and spoke about what they like about their pioneer club.  It was really nice, for a change, to listen to the little people.  It was what I really needed today in a time when I have been given more adversity than is fair.  Those kids have way more wisdom than given credit for and more than most adults I know.  What a beautiful expression in their love for God and Jesus.

One of the things they talked about is liking Bubble Up, Bubble down time.  It is a time where they can talk about the Bubble Up, or good things, and then talk about Bubble Down, or the not so good things.  They all shared that they liked being able to talk about what was on their mind with out being ridiculed or judged.  I found myself thinking how wonderful that they have that.  What a rare thing.

It is too bad as adults that we tend to lose this innocence.  We don't see the importance of creating an avenue for this type of sharing and acceptance.  Some parents don't even allow for their kids to have this in any way.  It seems as they age people become obsessed and possessed by things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of life.  I am thankful for this experience, in that it has brought before me an idea that I want to strive for.

I think on Sunday I will just talk about something I am grateful for. I am grateful for my husband.  In my darkest time he allows me Bubble Down.  He keeps me on track and doesn't let me be my own worst enemy.  When all I feel like doing is crying he lets me, and tries to encourage Bubble Up.  I hope together, he and I  can allow for this freedom with our children.  I always want to be there for their Bubble Up and Bubble Down.  In a time when I want to be selfish and self absorbed I was presented with the message that no matter what, that is not the way to live.

Today I want to fight my fight and do it for my family.  I will draw strength from all the sources presented to me and try to the best of my ability to not let things I have no control over drag me down.

BUBBLE UP, BUBBLE DOWN.  This is my blog.

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