Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kill the Shamrock

Today has not been a good day.  I may need to use my A-K. . . Something I learned today, my husband gives me too much credit in the programming department.  I have spent the better part of the day in utter frustration and almost evil mode.  Blonde, mom of a two year old and four year old + = recipe for craptasticness, in which the only remedy is 2 bottles of wine and a ride on the Whambulance.

I am supposing I may have a latent desire to kill something due to underlying frustration.  I purchased a poor, ill-futured shamrock plant tonight at the store.  The way I look at it is at least I will be focusing my evil on a plant.  I used to have more of a green thumb than black, and then I made people.  They (the plants) fared quite well until my first, self made person took to crapping in them and digging the dirt out of them in order the paint the walls and floor.  Slowly they began to be parched, and then they traveled the road of the onyx hue.  One by one they were chucked over the balcony into the great beyond, A.K.A. the dumpster and the black thumb was born.  We had a great shot from that balcony.  Oh the memories.  What a sad mixture of grief and pleasure chucking my child's mess making devices over the edge to their sad and lonely grave.

Anyway back to the subject, I have a new chance.  A new beginning. A baby shamrock plant. I am hoping to suppress the evil and allow it to flourish.  I suspect I may need to find a new shopping cart platform in order to do so. 

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