Monday, June 20, 2011

Michael's Craft Store Breach-Serious for Once

So I am sure a lot of you fellow Coloradans have heard that several of our Michael's Craft Stores had a security breach where there card readers recorded card numbers and associated PINs.  I informed my PSCU bank the day I found out about it and the agent on the phone was very snotty and told me I would be accountable for charges incurred by changing my cards and PINs.  She stated she didn't think it was a big deal as long as I didn't give out my PIN.

I hadn't and so I decided to wait.  No one seemed to think that this would cause a problem even though it was on the news.  Well a couple of weeks later I got a letter saying my card was compromised and that they were sending me a new card.  The letter said the account would be closed June 22nd.  I called them right up that day and cancelled the account.  The same day I got the replacement card in the mail.  So I thought, Hallelujah, at least I didn't have any breach of my account before this got worked out.

WRONG.  Yesterday I got bombarded by texts from Darrell while I was at work.  He said $500 was taken from our account by an ATM in Portland.  We called to get the account cancelled if need be and PSCU isn't concerned with these matters on Sunday, I guess.  $500 more taken out today.

Darrell went down there and they told him there is nothing we could do until a police report was filed. I called the police and they acted like they have never heard of this Michaels breach.  This was the fraud department.  Well I started the report and called the PSCU back.  Now they told me that my card was cancelled when I called 2-3 weeks ago but the bad guys were smarter than they thought.   THAT IS GREAT!  I WANT MY MONEY BACK!  Somehow they withdrew funds on a blocked card.  PSCU asked me if I was sure I wasn't in Portland yesterday.  UM YEAH, PRETTY SURE.

So anyone who has shopped at Michael's that has used a PIN, beware and please pass this on because there were 964 stores compromised all over the US.  Please look at your statements closely.  The breach was 6-7 weeks ago and I just got hit yesterday.  Thankfully I will be getting my money back but let's try and stop this damage before it happens.  Also email this person to complain.  I emailed her my refusal to shop there until they formally apologize to me.

Media Contact:  Kristen Kauffman
(817) 329-3257

Here is a link to the stores that were compromised.

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